Monday, November 5, 2007

My loyal fans

My eldest sister, Audrey, was in town over the weekends. Yes, we siblings are named in alphabetical order, you see. So you know that I am the third in the family, because my name starts with a "C". We have Audrey, Bridget, Cornelius, Dennis, Evelyn, Flora, Grace and Harry. I would love to end it with "Eight is Enough", but unfortunately, that is not the end. Perhaps one of these days, I'll tell you some interesting stories about why eight is not enough.

Anyway, as usual, whenever Audrey's around, we'd have mahjong sessions. That's why I haven't been updating my blog over the weekends. Since I started my blog about 3 weeks ago, I haven't had many visitors — perhaps an average total of about 40 visitors per day. The figure has been growing steadily. I didn't think that I have many fans who'd miss my articles.

But this morning I am pleasantly surprised to receive an email from a fan, asking me why haven't I been posting new articles. And then I also received a text message from another fan, asking me the same question. Meanwhile, I have also received some other emails from friends who said that my articles are "entertaining" — whatever that means!

This message is meant for my fans out there — thanks for your interest in my articles. Know that I am still here to "entertain" you with my blabbering. If there are no new posts after 2 or 3 days, please don't be alarmed. I am still alive and well; I've got life insurance, so I won't die so easily!


Julie Tan said...

Hey Cornelius,

What a coincidence, my eldest sis is also Audrey :)

Cornelius said...

Just goes to show how small this world is, huh, Julie?

Anyway, remember the niece I wrote about a few posts ago; the one who was a disaster? Well, she's Audrey's daughter. It was a very sad ending.

After all those years as a troubled child, she died of cancer at the age of 22 earlier this year. That's why I said she's a disaster in every sense of the word.

[JiEy] said...
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[JiEy] said...

well i'm a fan alright :) it's nice to sometime have a deeper view on something, and in your case, in almost everything. i enjoyed my stay here, perhaps at times you can come to mine too, just to see how many world apart we are in the thinking department :)

Cornelius said...

Hello Jiey,

I'm glad you've enjoyed your visits here; and I hope you will continue visiting.

Yes, you are right, I write about wide-ranging topics and I have an opinion in almost everything! I am also a keen observer of human psychology — I am intrigued by it! You will have noticed by now that a number of my posts here are about human behaviors and attitudes.

I have checked out your blog shortly ago and found that we are indeed miles apart as far as the "thinking department" is concerned, just as you have put it. But that is normal for a person of your age.

For example, some day, when you get older, you will realise somehow that a lot of the time, you will have to worry about others and their opinions; what they think of you. That attitude of "this is ME — take it or leave it", will eventually be suppressed. Well, unless, you intend to live alone in a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean!

The same is also true when it comes to boy-girl relationship. That "take it or leave it" attitude hardly ever works. Someday, you will realise that "give and take" is the ONLY way to go.

But don't worry about this old man talking nonsense. Take your time, enjoy your youth. Make mistakes along the way, if you must. After all, it has been said that one of the best ways to learn is by making mistakes!