Stay tuned for the stories!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Field Trainings
Stay tuned for the stories!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
English Information
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How Do I Tell Her About Him?

Monday, November 26, 2007
Animals Unleashed
I wrote, "When a group of mild-mannered people who are not normally violent come together, that gathering might start as something peaceful. But it won't take very long before they influence each other and those same peaceful people can suddenly turn violent. The animal instinct is not easy to control."
Well, it transpired that the BERSIH rally did not turn violent. However, in the comments portion of that thread, I raised the question of whether it was reasonable for the police to adopt the "prevention-is-better-then cure" attitude; whether the police was justified to act before things turn violent? I attracted some interesting views from some visitors to this blog.
Yesterday, another rally was organised—this time by Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF). The object of that rally was totally different from that of the BERSIH rally. And again, I am not keen to delve into the details of that rally—I am sure many others would have done that by now.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Treasure Hunt Questions

The answers of the following questions are found within either one of the above pictures in no particular order.
It may be necessary to click on those pictures to be able to see clearly some of the signages.
Q1) Required by agent to become expecting.
Q2) Distress call short of a month?
Send in your answers & explanations to
Friday, November 23, 2007
Answer to Multiple-Choice Question
The question was like this:
(Q) Malaysian figure having a convulsion?
Possible answers:
(A) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
(B) Tun Dr Mahathir Mohd
(C) Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
(D) Lim Goh Tong
(E) Ahmad Fairuz
Well, it is time to reveal the answer and explanation. But I won't do it now. Perhaps tonight after I come home from dinner (I was told that Phua Chu Kang will be performing). If it's too late when I come home, I will publish the answer tomorrow.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Barisan Alternatif?
Apparently, many people are unhappy with the present Government. Others are just unhappy with the Prime Minister; and still others are unhappy with all his "yes men". Then of course there are also so many in the cabinet whom must be about to fossilize by now—they've been there for ages, still clinging on to power till kingdom come.
To be quite honest, I am unhappy with the present Government too. Police brutality has become rampant; mismanagement of the tax-payers' money has also become more pronounced—hard-earned money spent on a space tourist, for example. All those learned people handling the nation's economy claim that inflation is kept in check, but the reality is that the inflation rate is somewhat alarming.
Nasi campur now costs about 15% more; and bread now costs about 20%-30% more; cooking gas saw a hike of about 30% and still rising. Ask anyone in the street, and they will tell you a more accurate figure than that given by the economists. Don't pay too much attention to those figures given by those hot-shot economists. Otherwise, you are going to fall short on balancing your ledger.
So, yes, the Barisan Nasional isn't doing too well in running the country. Recently, we Malaysians had a scare when the Anti-Corruption Agency was busy roping in some of our VIPs. They claimed that they won't spare anyone. I'm sure we were all worried sick of the prospect of having nobody left to run the country! But of course, we were relieved when the Director-General said, "They can be small or big fry, they will be netted." In that case, we are still OK—only the fry will be netted. The buayas will still be business as usual.
Anyway, with the General Election looming over the horizon, perhaps it is time to prepare ourselves. So what other choices do we have to run this nation of ours?
Enter Barisan Alternatif...
First, we have Keadilan. Maybe it's me, but I just can't trust Anwar Ibrahim. I don't believe in his miraculous recovery from the wheelchair to dancing on the stage—even after taking into account the fact that a foreign specialist had operated on him. Such a miracle can make Christopher Reeve turn in his grave. I can still remember the way Anwar Ibrahim campaigned for Barisan Nasional in Sabah when he was still the Deputy Prime Minister years ago.
Then of course we have PAS. I dread the idea of a nation where men and women are restricted to separate queues when paying for their groceries in the supermarkets. I just can't see myself in such a country.
Another consideration is DAP; and when we think about DAP, we immediately see Lim Kit Siang in our minds. Kit Siang is one person I can trust. I am not saying he is squeaky clean, mind! But when compared to the rest, I can trust him more. Unfortunately, I don't believe DAP is strong enough to stand on its own. It can of course be a big force to team up with other parties to form a Government, but I doubt it will ever happen.
Then there are so many other "lonely cowboys". We have quite many of them here in Sabah in the past. They're the "frogs". They will stand as independent candidates with the sole motive of acquiring wealth if they can win seats. And of course the moment they do win anything, they're almost automatically inclined to join the highest bidder. And then if they're clever, they will become millionaires overnight. Where the money come from, only God knows. But some of them are not so clever, they simply throw away the money they acquire in no time at all. Free money has no value, you see. This is one of them.
So who is left? I've been thinking about it this lately; it seems that Barisan Alternatif is no alternative after all. Are we screwed?
Chance Of A Lifetime
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Discovery Channel & Wrath of Treasure Hunt God

Beyond this main entrance, up on the hill, is the remnant of an old church, wherefrom one can have a wonderful aerial view of Melaka town.

On Sunday night, Hunters "R" Us and their family members were kind enough to bring me to a seafood restaurant. We had an assortment of food—VK was all out to unleash all the specialties. Indeed they were all so good; if only my stomach had more room to accommodate more food!

But everything was just too good to be true. I found it quite surprising that the Treasure Hunt God didn't show his true colours up to that point. Those of you who've been following my blog all these while would know that He would somehow, one way or another, get to me in the end. I was beginning to wonder when...
I flew back to KK on Monday. On Sunday night, I checked my flight itenerary again just to make sure. My flight was to depart LCCT-KL at 1:40pm on Monday. So I had plenty of time on Monday morning. Well, as I said, KK Chai brought me around for a short "tour" and the Ampang Yong Tau Foo. But before we knew it, traffic was already building up. In the end it was clear that I wouldn't be able to make it to the airport before my flight if I took the bus from KL Sentral. So Chai drove me all the way to LCCT-KL. I arrived there at 1:20 pm; I rushed to the counter...
Then the shock! The board showed the flight departing for KK at 2:15 pm. I was told that I had already missed my flight. It turned out that I made a terrible mistake1:40 pm was supposed to be my time of arrival in KK; the departure was at 11:10 am!
OK, calm down, Cornelius... No point crying over spilt milk... So I rushed to the ticket counter to buy a seat for the 2:15 pm. But of course, when you are rushing, you know, the queue was exceptionally long, and only one person handling the counter. And, yes, that person made sure that she took her sweet time handling her customers.
Anyway, to make the long story short, when it was my turn, I was too late for the 2:15 pm flight. So I had no choice but to get the 5:10 pmthat was the next flight out to KK. So I spent the next several hours lingering at the airport feeling like a total idiot, my 11:10 am ticket forfeited, and I had to spend another RM360 for that 5:10 pm flight. I really need to do something about this curse on me.
But you know what they say, some people just never learn. I'm going to KL again next week for the Beautiful Gate and the AMC hunts! How the hell did I get so damn obsessed with treasure hunts?
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
MAH Hunt: Peril of Excavation
Q1) Love story value in a lost shoe after midnight is part of this tale.
A1) Cinderella Bridal Palace.
I was told that the Clerk-of-Course (CoC) had been clerking hunts for many years. But in my opinion, those years were not reflected in this particular question.
To start with, the surface reading isn't smooth. The first 3 words—"Love story value"—are ambiguous, to say the least. Why "value"? That word plays no role in leading the solver to the solution. Another point of interest is in connection with the word "shoe". As Kok Seng correctly pointed out, the accurate item in the tale is "slipper". Here is the cover of a book I downloaded from the internet. I suppose some people don't really care—shoe and slipper both fit the tale, so why bother?
Q16) Play thing created from place to satisfy your tummy.
A16) Kedai Makanan dan Minuman MAGE.
I am OK with this question, but I don't agree to "play thing" as a GAME. To me, "play thing" refers more to a toy and the likes.
Q24) Oil company states something that should not be done. What is that forbidden action?
And this, folks, is the RM1,000-question for our team. It looks so straightforward, huh? Now let us analyse in detail. The "oil company" tells the solver that he is probably required to search for a signboard by an oil company, forbidding something. That should be easy enough, right? Then the next step would be to copy that forbidden action. Unfortunately, within that sector, we didn't see anything that would fit. However, one possible answer would be this:

So now we had to make a choice. There were no other signs forbidding any actions within the sector, so hunters were basically forced to one of the above boards. Which one do you think is a better fit to the question? Well, we ended up with the "No Smoking" sign, because that's obviously a more convincing choice.
BUT! little did we know, that this question wasn't about a sign board that was visible from the car. No—the hunter was required to get down from the car and stand right in front of the board to be able to see this:

In the end, the CoC wanted the "No Excavation" board as the answer. However, up to now I still think it doesn't fit. The answer should've been "Excavation @ No Excavation", because after all, the question asked for the forbidden action. So the forbidden action should be "excavation".
Q26) Perhaps our angkasawan got his clothing here.
A26) Apollo Fashion.
The last time I checked, our angkasawan went to space in the Soyuz. But who knows, maybe the next one will be flying in an Apollo.
Q29) Supermarket invoice for the jungle king?
I don't blame the CoC for this particular question. But I'd like to bring it up anyway. I must agree with Vincent that Lions don't live in the jungles, but more in the deserts—or more accurately, the savanna and grassland. So strictly speaking, the tigers are the kings of the jungles.
And now we turn to the walk hunt questions:
Q5) No longer needed when under goes in without hesitation.
A5) Red Ant.
I think it's more accurate to say, "No longer needed when under without hesitation goes in."
Q12) Oily little imps?
A12) Elf Lubricants.
Quite straightforward, but I am sad to note the defect on grammatical grounds. I think it is a sloppy job. Notice that the "imps" is plural, but the answer "elf" is singular. It made me pause and consider other signs for fear that this board was a deliberate decoy.
I am also not impressed with the timeframe given to hunters for Leg 2 of the hunt. I think it was wreckless to force the hunters to drive so fast like that. Thank goodness, all teams arrived safely at Bayview Hotel.
Finally, Mission 3 was quite a shame. It wasn't very difficult. One had to buy a key-chain from a guy named Rahman. His name must be found at the back of the key-chain. To the unwary, there were others lingering around with key-chains too, but without the "Rahman". And here the CoC failed again in my opinion. The guy named Rahman ran out of his key-chains, resulting in the CoC accepting any key-chains. Therefore those prudent hunters who took the trouble to ensure that they had the "Rahman" on their key-chains ended up with no advantage at all.
Overall, I must say that the standard of this particular Clerk-of-Course is far from good; unless of course if all KL CoCs are like that. In that sense I am not very satisfied. I am therefore looking forward to the Beautiful Gate and AMC hunts. Let's see if those hunts are any different.
MAH Hunt: 3-in-1
Monday, November 19, 2007
Home Sweet Home
1) MAH Hunt — 3-in-1
2) MAH Hunt — Peril of Excavation
3) Discovery Channel & Wrath of Treasure Hunt God
Alas, I can hardly keep my eyes open right now. I'll just feed Boomer, have a quick shower and then hit the sack.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Having a Kit Kat
Many Faces Of The Proboscis Monkeys

Unfortunately, I will be going for a treasure hunt in Kuala Lumpur over the weekends. So I won't be able to join them. To those of you who're wondering how this creature got its name—proboscis monkey—it won't be difficult to understand once you get to see its prominent nose. I used to think that it's some sort of freak mistake by God when creating this species. You can read more about this animal here. And then you should make it a point to come to Sabah to see them for yourselves one of these days.
And this, on the other hand, is an even bigger mistake by God—it is a different kind of proboscis monkey which I stumbled upon here. It is a stark reminder to all of us that perhaps we are not very different from our primate cousins. Sometimes we can't really tell which are the monkeys, and which are the humans; which are the proboscis and which are the...
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Saving The World
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
The Curse of Treasure Hunts
Q) We are no longer small; now we have periods. Who are we?
A) S. M. All Saints
Monday, November 12, 2007
Discount factors
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Animals in us
One has to wonder what are the criteria for a mission to qualify as "dangerous". Obviously "drug ambush" does not qualify. However, it seems certain that handling public demonstrations — peaceful or not — falls within the definition of "dangerous". After all, the riot police are often equipped with protective gears, especially when they gang up on unarmed civilians.
The police did not give their consent for the "peaceful" demonstration march from Jalan Tun Perak to Dataran Merdeka yesterday. The march was apparently organised for "Clean and Fair Election (Bersih)". When the demonstrators went ahead with the march anyway, the riot police came in to disperse the crowd with teargas and water cannons. And then as expected, they were criticised severely for their actions.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Hazard of breast-feeding
Friday, November 9, 2007
The Playboy
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Candle in the wind

"A candle that burns itself to brighten the lives of others..."
— International Trade and Industry Minister, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz
Multiple choice question
(Q) Malaysian figure having a convulsion?
Possible answers:
(A) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
(B) Tun Dr Mahathir Mohd
(C) Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor
(D) Lim Goh Tong
(E) Ahmad Fairuz
Send the answer & explanation to me at
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

No Umbrella?
Monday, November 5, 2007
My loyal fans
Sunday, November 4, 2007
My Bike & Police Efficiency

Can you remember the very first time you owned a vehicle? Well, my "vehicle" was a motorbike — a Yamaha DT125, which was exactly like the one in this picture. It must have been at least 20 years ago. I remember that pleasant feeling the first day I rode the bike home from the dealer. That evening I rode it around the village where I used to live in, showing off my new bike to eveyone in the village. I was so in love with my motorbike.
I paid off the loan for that bike within 12 months. I serviced it regularly and made sure that it's in tip-top condition all the time. After almost 3 years, it still looked very new.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wonder Women
They generally find it hard to trust their husbands 100 percent, no matter how long they've been married. How many of you men would put your wives' names as the beneficiaries when you buy a life insurance? I think most of us men would almost automatically put our wives' names as the beneficiaries. But when women buy a life insurance, they almost always put the children's names first, or their parents' names as the beneficiaries. The husbands' names would be last on their list.
When a woman marries, she'd expect her husband to be totally devoted to her. She wants to be given the priority even over the husband's mother. But years down the road, when she has her own son, and that son marries, she'd expect her son to be totally devoted to her, and not to the daughter-in-law. By then she would have forgotten that she was once married to someone's son too, and demanded that same full devotion.
Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining. I have long accepted the above as some of those unexplained mysteries of this world. I have survived it over the last 15 years and I've come to a point where all those don't matter no more. She's always been the crazy woman I got to know years ago. It's the madness and crazy things that we both share that matter the most.
To those men out there who're not married to one of these creatures yet, be prepared for all those peculiarities. They are like computers, you see. You'll take a very long time to choose the perfect model with all the perfect specifications that suit your purpose. But the moment you commit to one, you will find so many other models in the market that seem to be able to perform better!
Thankfully, I am an old-fashioned and sentimental man. My first computer is still the best model for me.