These days it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to find the time to do physical exercises. By the time I come home from the office, I am always overwhelmed by laziness. There is this tendency to blame it on mental exhaustion from work, whatever that means. At other times, it would be raining in the evenings, so the jogging track would be out of the question.
I’ve asked many people which one they prefer to have more: wealth or health. The universal answer is health. Yet most people hardly ever spare the time for their health. They don’t really do any forms of decent aerobics exercise. Interestingly, however, quite a number of people spend a fortune on food supplements and some other vitamins in the hope of maintaining or improving their health. Anything but the forsaken physical exercise!
Last November, Y-Fitness was established in KK City Mall. That is very close to Taman Iramanis where I live. Membership is not exactly cheap as far as I am concerned, but I signed up anyway.
Now I have no more excuses not to exercise. Since all the equipment are located indoor, I can visit the gym any time from as early as 7:00 am in the morning up to 10:00 pm at night. I have been visiting the gym at an average of 3 times per week. And I would normally spend about 30 minutes running on the treadmill on each session. Depending on my mood—yes folks, men have moods too—I’d cover about 4 to 5 km per session. I have to force myself to keep it up, not only because my waistline would otherwise expand extremely fast, but also because I have a family history of diabetes and obesity, leading to heart problems.
Then I read about the Borneo International Marathon scheduled for 12 October this year. We don’t have many marathons organized here in KK. In fact, I can’t remember if we have had any before this. What we had in the past were short courses of 10 km and below; not marathons.
I have never joined any marathon before. The mere thought of 42 km makes me cringe with pain. I don’t think I have it in me to run—and keep running—for that distance. But upon reading up the Borneo International Marathon website, I noticed that there is such a thing as half-marathon, which means a distance of 21 km only. That is still a great distance for me, but at least it doesn’t sound so impossible to achieve.
Would it be possible for me to stretch the 4 to 5 km I normally do in the gym to 21 km? I think I can do it. There is only one way to find out. But I will need to train up my body for the feat.
And so yesterday morning, I went for a comprehensive medical check-up. In particular, I wanted to know if my heart is up to it. I think not many 43-year olds would go for a comprehensive medical check-up, but you know, with my family history and all, I decided not to take the risk. Well, it turned out that my blood pressure is borderline high, but not serious enough for me to have sleepless nights. And after doing a short session on the treadmill, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. All those high-tech machines did not find any inconsistency in my heartbeats etc.
I’ve asked many people which one they prefer to have more: wealth or health. The universal answer is health. Yet most people hardly ever spare the time for their health. They don’t really do any forms of decent aerobics exercise. Interestingly, however, quite a number of people spend a fortune on food supplements and some other vitamins in the hope of maintaining or improving their health. Anything but the forsaken physical exercise!
Last November, Y-Fitness was established in KK City Mall. That is very close to Taman Iramanis where I live. Membership is not exactly cheap as far as I am concerned, but I signed up anyway.
Now I have no more excuses not to exercise. Since all the equipment are located indoor, I can visit the gym any time from as early as 7:00 am in the morning up to 10:00 pm at night. I have been visiting the gym at an average of 3 times per week. And I would normally spend about 30 minutes running on the treadmill on each session. Depending on my mood—yes folks, men have moods too—I’d cover about 4 to 5 km per session. I have to force myself to keep it up, not only because my waistline would otherwise expand extremely fast, but also because I have a family history of diabetes and obesity, leading to heart problems.
Then I read about the Borneo International Marathon scheduled for 12 October this year. We don’t have many marathons organized here in KK. In fact, I can’t remember if we have had any before this. What we had in the past were short courses of 10 km and below; not marathons.
I have never joined any marathon before. The mere thought of 42 km makes me cringe with pain. I don’t think I have it in me to run—and keep running—for that distance. But upon reading up the Borneo International Marathon website, I noticed that there is such a thing as half-marathon, which means a distance of 21 km only. That is still a great distance for me, but at least it doesn’t sound so impossible to achieve.
Would it be possible for me to stretch the 4 to 5 km I normally do in the gym to 21 km? I think I can do it. There is only one way to find out. But I will need to train up my body for the feat.
And so yesterday morning, I went for a comprehensive medical check-up. In particular, I wanted to know if my heart is up to it. I think not many 43-year olds would go for a comprehensive medical check-up, but you know, with my family history and all, I decided not to take the risk. Well, it turned out that my blood pressure is borderline high, but not serious enough for me to have sleepless nights. And after doing a short session on the treadmill, the doctor gave me a clean bill of health. All those high-tech machines did not find any inconsistency in my heartbeats etc.

So bring it on! It's probably a good excuse to buy a new pair of shoes anyway. I heard that Adidas is offering RM50 discounts at selected outlets in KK in conjunction with the Borneo International Marathon. Not that I don't know that the original prices are several hundred percent overpriced anyway.
I have a little less than 3 months to train up for the 21 km run. Time is running short, so I will have to build up the distance within quite a short timeframe. I will have to make more visits to the gym—perhaps at least 4 to 5 times a week. Next week, I will try to accumulate up to 20 km. Then gradually increase that to 25 km to 30 km to 35 km and so on in the following weeks. Such a great jump from the average 15 km I usually accumulate per week.
I have a little less than 3 months to train up for the 21 km run. Time is running short, so I will have to build up the distance within quite a short timeframe. I will have to make more visits to the gym—perhaps at least 4 to 5 times a week. Next week, I will try to accumulate up to 20 km. Then gradually increase that to 25 km to 30 km to 35 km and so on in the following weeks. Such a great jump from the average 15 km I usually accumulate per week.

I searched through some of my old stuffs and found this old bathroom scale. As of yesterday morning, I weighed about 73 kg. I‘m aiming to reduce that to at least 65 kg by 12 October.
I reckon that the treadmill sessions and the weight-loss (hopefully) should be able to help me to build up my speed and endurance. I was told that there is a time limit of 3 hours to complete the run. If I’m going to do this at all, I might as well do it within the allocated time. There is not much point if I were to walk all the way and reach the finish line when everyone had gone home.
So much to do in such a short time. While I am a bit worried of the task, I am also excited of the challenge.
I hope I will survive this to tell you all about it after 12 October.
Don't hog the treadmill, try road running or circuit running if you want to accumulate the milage. It's more interesting and less boring.
Yes, my friend, running on the treadmill can be really boring. I intend to run outdoor too whenever I can. But y'know, it rains a lot of the time in the evening in KK. Drives me up the wall when I am so pumped up to run and it rains heavily I have to cancel my plan.
We're supposed to have a marathon clinic yesterday afternoon at the Likas Sports Complex. I think it's sponsored by Adidas. But as expected, it rained heavily, so the clinic had to be postponed to this afternoon. And guess what? It rained again this afternoon! So now we will have to wait for another 2 weeks for the next marathon clinic.
The treadmill is a good alternative and immune from the rain. I am not really cut for the marathon. If I am going to do this, I must train religiously over the next couple of weeks till October. I can't subject my training to the good weather. The weather is not very coorperative here in KK.
exactly. i hate running on treadmill cox it's boring for me. i'm definitely not joining the marathon cox i'm not up for it haha...
speaking of the gym, Yfitness didn't accept walk-in and since i'm now based in sdk it'll be crazy to enrol as member right? just thinking where to gym when i'm in kk. or maybe i just stick to hike up bkt padang.
Running in the rain can be fun sometimes. Anyway, if it normally rains in the afternoon, then run in the morning instead. Running from the gym instead from home would be a good start. A nice hot shower after a run is most blissful.
Thank you, my anonymous friend and those of you who've sent me emails containing advice and marathon-training links. Saves me a lot of trouble to search through the net for those links.
I read one of those links about training for marathons, and I am surprised that a "normal" training timeframe for novice runners is about 4 months before the marathon.
I hope it won't rain this Saturday evening. I'm not a great fan of running in the rain.
I dread the idea of waking up at 5am to run. I can probably do morning runs over the weekends; not likely to happen during weekdays!
Hi guys! Glad to hear you're interested in the Borneo International Marathon.
Yes we've been having some lousy luck with the rain, especially last Saturday with our adidas Footscan program. But we persisted and about 28 of us ended us having a great meet and greet session as well as a couple of laps around the lake when the rain eased up.
Another clinic is scheduled for this Saturday 2nd August and fingers (and toes) crossed the weather holds.
Please do contact me if anyone needs further information at or at 088-218833 during office hours
Hi Shan,
Welcome to my blog!
This is truly a small world, Shan. I think it was just last week that Vivian forwarded to me your email about this marathon. And I thought that name "Shan" looked familiar. I was sure I've seen a blog by that name before. Then now I see you commenting in my blog!
I'm doing my 5km, 7km and 5km this evening, tomorrow and Thursday respectively. And then I'll be doing the 8km "long run" hopefully at the Likas Complex this Saturday, unless of course if it's raining again on that day. In that case I will have to do that 8 km on the treadmill again.
I want to ask you, Shan, what do you do during the marathon clinic, apart from selling Adidas shoes?
Hi Cornelius - hehe no the training clinics are in no way an attempt to plug adidas shoes. The one-off adidas footscan program was to help address issues that runners have with footwear and to give info on individual feet types (arches, pronouns etc) and what sort of footwear would be suitable. I believe we will be having another Footscan closer to the marathon date but I can't confirm that as yet.
In a regular training clinic, it's more of a chance for the runners to get to know each other (some of us have actually become friends too) and run together. Some people have told us that they enjoy training as a group as they are able to push themselves just that little bit more than they would if they were running alone.
Wish us luck for this Saturday's clinic. Let's hope the rain stays away :)
And yep it is a small world indeed!
Hi Corny....Hi Shan,
Yup, the footscan done by Adidas last clinic at Likas was a good way to determine the type of shoe that fits your feet. I just bought yet ANOTHER running shoe and it is not cheap.....RM399!! Gosh... luckily I got a 30% off but the shoe was really worth it. It is light & somehow when I ran at the Sutera 7K Run, my ankles & knees doesnt really hurt that much. Now I m maximising it at the fitness centre, treadmill & outdoor runs.
So, fingers cross & hope for a good weather this Sat, coz I really want to attend at least 1 clinic. I wonder if I m running & warming up the right way, better to get advices from the Pro runners. So, hope to see u Corny at the clinic & not the hospital thereafter hahaha....
Are you sure they didn't raise the price by 30% before they gave you that discount?... hehehe.
Perhaps it's time that I get a pair too. Where did you buy yours? I saw an Adidas outlet in 1Borneo, but places like those always scare me. Maybe half of the price is because of the rent of the premises!?
Got from Palm Sq CPS Adidas shop. From wat I see, the shoe may cost RM50 only from factory haha, rental, overhead cost,transportation cost, Adidas Brand etc...ended up RM399. Cant sell for a year so give 30% off. I m sick at the moment, hopefully can recover and join the next clinic.
I'm sure they're still making some profits even after giving that 30% discount.
By the way, Teo, do you think Adidas has anything that can guarantee me a below-2 hrs 21km run? Would be a good way to make a marathon debut. I'd gladly pay that RM399... hehehe
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