Thursday, May 8, 2008

Constitutional Right To Sexual Enjoyment

HOW do we define what's a "sexual enjoyment" for women? Women by nature are hard-to-understand creatures. And they are after all only humans; each with different tastes and preferences. What's sexually enjoyable to one woman might be totally the opposite to another woman. I think it is quite impossible to try to generalise "sexual enjoyment" for women; or even for men for that matter.

But now the right to sexual enjoyment will be provided for in the constitution too. The person seeking to include "sexual enjoyment" in the constitution defines "the right to sexual enjoyment" (for women) as "women can make free, responsible and informed decisions about their sex lives".


A couple found it so hard to save up. At the end of each month, they'd have spent all their earnings. They had to do something to start saving up. Then they came up with a weird idea; each time they had sex, they'd put RM10 into a piggy bank. At the end of the month, they'd take the money they had accummulated to the bank. They were pleased with themselves for coming up with such a brilliant idea!

That routine worked well over several months. Then at the end of one particular month, the husband started counting the money in the piggy bank. But he was puzzled when he found not only RM10 notes, but also some RM50s and RM100s.

He turned to his wife and asked, "How come there're RM50s and RM100s in this piggy bank?"

The wife replied with a question, "You think everyone is a miser like you?"


I wonder if such a law will ever be available in Malaysia. Apparently only 25% of women in Malaysia almost always achieve orgasm. Although it has been said that "orgasm" isn't everything, surely it still means a lot? There must be a lot of women who're not enjoying their sex lives? Does it mean that if a woman does not enjoy sex with her husband, she has the right to seek sex elsewhere? Is that the right they're gonna be entitled to?

I am curious to know how does one actually break this particular law; and then how will he be punished for that unconstitutional act?


Hope said...

Hmm.. the right to sexual enjoyment.. does that mean that all this while we dont have rights when it comes to sexual enjoyment? And she's saying that all this while women can't make free, responsible and informed decisions about their sex lives? That's quite weird coming from a woman. Maybe she's talking about herself more than anyone else...

Cornelius said...

The whole idea of providing for a constitutional right to women's sexual enjoyment is weird. The mere idea of that provision gives the impression that women has no right to "sexual enjoyment". I don't know if that has ever been proven.

However, even if there is any truth in it, it's still interesting to know how the authority plans to enforce this proposed law; as well as how to punish those who break that law.