Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Old-Fashioned Orgasm

A friend sent me a link to an interesting article from The Sun, entitled "Having a good old-fashioned orgasm could save your life." Of course I am not a doctor, so I can't vouchsafe the truth or accuracy of this article. Reading it, however, made my mind wonder about several issues.

"In fact, the average lovemaking session only uses about the same energy as climbing a couple of flights of stairs."

I must say that I doubt the accuracy of this claim. Climbing a couple of flights of stairs seems to require too little energy to me, unless of course if the doctor meant 10 storeys when he said "a couple of flights of stairs."

"Besides, regular sexual activity — including DIY — is linked to other health benefits, such as a reduced risk of prostate cancer in men... may reduce pain caused by migraine, arthritis and back trouble, boost your immune system and lower your blood pressure. Also, what goes on below the belt may help what’s going on between your ears — a healthy sex life is linked to improved self-esteem, better sleep and reduced tension."

See, this is the thing I've always wanted to know about the Catholic priests. I know there've been reports of sex scandals involving priests—and several of them with young boys. But what about those good ones? Is the article suggesting that they're within the group facing higher risk of prostate cancer, migraine, arthritis and back trouble etc? Well, I've known of priests who don't really do physical exercises, yet they live up to very old age.

Recurrent “orgasm headache” is one — it’s a type of migraine most common in men which makes their climax more “Aaaargh!” than “Ooooh!”

I guess I am one lucky man. Somehow I've never experienced that "Aaargh!"; it has always been "Ooooh!".

Well, I'm not against regular sex, mind! If it can really save my life, I guess I'll just have to take the doctor's word for it. But to be quite honest, I can't see much value in this particular article. Although I am not a doctor, I'm inclined to think that any kind of physical exercise is generally good for the health. There are many, many types of exercise which have better benefits in terms of health. But admittedly, of course not all of them are fun like sex and orgasm! Maybe I should show this article to Mia—who knows she might want to adopt an alternative method of dealing with her occasional migraines.

In the mean time, I will continue with my running, thank you!

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