Friday, February 15, 2008

Testing The Merchandise

Have you ever been introduced to a new product which appeared very useful and practical, but you were unsure of its effectiveness; or whether it's safe to use it? Perhaps it's some sort of herbal food supplement or mechanical equipment that is new to you.

You would love to try out that product, but are afraid of its negative side-effects. Yet, if it works, you know it can do much good for you. So what would you do then?

There was once I saw an English movie of the olden days, where the king had a scapegoat slave whose main purpose was to taste the king's foods and drinks to make sure that they're not poisonous. If that slave lives, then the king can go ahead and eat the food. A brilliant little idea, huh?

We have also seen how the USA had the opportunity to test their bombs and other weapons in Iraq during the gulf war. And they did it in the name of peace and seeking to free the Iraqi people!

Maybe that's how this psycho mother was inspired to test her toy on her 8-year-old daughter, just to make sure that the equipment works well.

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