Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Planning For A New Life

“However, I am getting older and also have given birth. Now, I can only charge RM50,” she said, adding that her customers were aged between 13 and 70. [The Star]

When I was 13 years old, I never had RM50 in my pocket at any one time. But of course in those good old days, probably RM25 was the equivalent of today's RM50. That's still a lot of money to me at that age. And to think of giving away that kind of money for the purpose of sex—truly unimaginable!

I suppose the kids these days grow up very quickly. But just imagine, paying for sex at the age of 13! Now if it's the other way round, it's possible that the men can get into big time trouble under statutory rape. I wonder if this canteen helper can also be charged for statutory rape, because she's having sex with an underaged kid?

Let's do a bit of calculation.

I have no idea how many customers she can get per night, but let me just take a conservative estimate—let's adopt an average of 2 customers per night give an take. Of course there will be some days of the month which will not be available for business, but let's adopt the 2-customer per night average anyway. And then let's assume that she works all year round, i.e. she does not fall sick.


2 x RM50 x 365 days x 3 (years) = RM109,500

But then out of that amount, some will be spent to support her husband, kid and old folks. Let's say RM500 per month (still very conservative estimate)? Therefore RM18,000 for 3 years. Thus if everything goes perfectly as planned, she'd be able to save about RM91,500 in 3 years' time.

I wonder what kind of "new life" she can expect from that amount in Malaysia—and how long that "new life" can last...

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