Friday, July 10, 2009

Pleasant Surprise

It was shortly after the lunch break this afternoon when I got a pleasant surprise from my staff at the office. They brought in a huge durian cake (not just durian-flavoured; it was really durian—its main ingredient was durian!) with a candle on it into my office while singing the Happy Birthday song.

I don't think I have ever had a surprise birthday cake in my entire life before this, especially from my staff at the office. What's even more fantastic was that the cake had a "We Love You" on it. I've been trying to be kind to all of them all these years, but I didn't know that they actually love this boss. I hope they really meant it (smile).

However, although most people, when caught in such a situation, would probably become overwhelmed by emotions—perhaps even becoming dramatic with tears and all that—I did not cry. Not even close. Maybe that had a lot to do with my confusion with this whole surprise idea. You see, the fact is that my birthday falls on the 24th of this month. That's 2 weeks from today!

For a very brief moment, I thought I'd forgotten my own birthday and got the dates wrong by a margin of 2 weeks! I actually took out my identity card and showed it to my staff, some of whom insisted that my birthday is on the 12th of this month (this coming Sunday). But when they saw the information found on my identity card, they were convinced that their boss is still not senile—at least not yet!

Upon further investigations, it turned out that they were mixed up between my birthday and Mia's. You see, July is a very significant month for my household. Mia's birthday is on the 12th. JJ's on the 13th, and mine's on the 24th. And of course not forgetting the wedding anniversary on the 4th. So all these dates are within the month of July. See? I can still remember these important dates!

I couldn't decide whether I was more surprised by the mistaken date or the durian birthday cake. In the end, I told my staff I'd photocopy my identity card and paste it on the notice board near the tea room, so that if they ever want to plan anything like this again in the future, they will at least get the date right.

Anyway, the cake was brilliant! I don't mind to have a second celebration in 2 weeks' time (smile). Well, it seems that I have turned 44 two weeks earlier. So I'll have to wait a little longer than a year before I can celebrate my 45th birthday.


Moon said...

Too bad I'm not there to celebrate together. But good also la...I don't like durian. haha. I think...most likely they just want to remind you of Mia's birthday. You should have take some of the cake back for Mia. haha.

Cornelius said...

Ah Moon mui-mui,

Yeah, too bad you've switched job to Wisma Merdeka. I kinda feel a bit sad that I have one less person to tease everyday in the office.

Are you crazy? Why don't you like something like durian? You don't know what you're missing! Might even cure your morning sicknesses!

Oh! by the way, Grace did ta-pau a bit of the cake so that I could bring home to Mia. But I have a feeling that I will be the one who'll eat it!... hehehe.

So when are you gonna belanja koko for birthday oh? You still have 2 weeks to plan for it. So I'll be expecting your call soon.